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Valentine’s Day is for Couples

Last Valentine’s Day I wrote an article in education about the many flowers and balloons that were sent to students at school. In the article I discussed how Valentine’s Day has seemed to turn into more of a child’s holiday than a couple’s holiday.

While the day is about love and I agree that we do love our children, I believe that the day should be reserved for the type of love that is created when a couple has a relationship.

We have so many days that we honor our children. Christmas is mainly about gifts for the kids. Birthdays are about parties and gifts for our children. Most children receive special attention and surprises all year long when no special occasion even exists.

Yet how many days do we honor our spouses or mates? If you have children, the days may be limited. There are few days set aside to celebrate our relationship with our partner. Anniversaries should be special. However, in some marriages these are overlooked too.

It seems that the longer you are together, the fewer days and times you commemorate your love.

In this article I have two thoughts for you.

The first I will present in the form of a question.

Who gets more attention and gifts on Valentine’s Day; your mate or your children? Do you spend more time picking out school Valentine’s Day cards for your child to take to the classroom party or more time on your spouse’s gift?

Secondly, I have a challenge.

Make this Valentine’s Day about your relationship with your mate. If you feel it necessary to give your children a gift, then give them candy or a cute stuffed animal. However, make time to be with your spouse. Get a sitter for the children and let the day be about you and your partner.

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Valentine’s Day