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Body-for-Life Success Story: Jayne Cox

Jayne Cox was hesitant to start Body-for-Life when her husband suggested that they do it together. In fact, she was just plain against falling for another diet or exercise fad. The idea of doing aerobics of any sort was a complete turn-off and lifting weights was something she’d never done and had no interest in starting.

Jayne was like many of us. She had a happy marriage, a great family and a comfortable life but something just wasn’t quite right. Jayne had very little self esteem and her personal confidence was non-existent.

Although she wasn’t interested in trying Body-for-Life, she did support her husband and prepared better and more nutritious, Body-for-Life compliant meals. She also began to see how much he enjoyed his workouts. After seeing her husband stick with the program for three weeks, she finally had an epiphany. She knew she needed to change something in her life before she ended up teaching her daughters to be as insecure as she was. She read the Body-for-Life book and watched one of the Success Stories videos.

By reading Body-for-Life, she learned how to prepare truly healthy meals for her family – not what she had previously thought were healthy meals. Jayne finally came around and gave the full Body-for-Life program a try along with her husband. They did so well together that they were the Couples Grand Champions in 2003.

Most of my readers here are stay at home moms like me. We take care of our families 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year but most of the time, we forget to take care of ourselves first. Jayne should be an inspiration to all of us.

If we don’t take care of ourselves, who will?

If we don’t take care of ourselves, who will take care of our families?

If you’re committed to taking good care of your family, doesn’t it make sense to commit to taking care of yourself first? After all, if we aren’t at 100%, how can we give 100% to our loved ones?

Thank you, Jayne!

Read Jayne’s whole story, in her own words, here.

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