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What Do You Do When You Are Not in The Mood?

We have all heard that men are much more preoccupied and interested in sex. We have also heard the standard excuses that women give for not having sex with their husband. The headache trick is the most common.

In today’s busy world, women are tired. If you have worked a job, cared for the children, and carried out the household chores, you may be far less interested in romance than sleep and rest.

In this article I am asking you what you do when you are not in the mood. What do you do or say if your husband is ready and you are not quite so interested? Are you creative or do you just simply say “no”?

Do any of the most common relationship scenarios below sound familiar in your marriage?

You do it anyway
Some wives just simply go with it anyway. They satisfy their husbands and do not have to worry about hearing anything else from him for the night. Other women feel guilt about not wanting relations with their husband so they pretend to be interested.

Use the standard headache or sickness
Do you use the I do not feel good excuse that seems to be the stereotype placed on women? Do you complain about not feeling well and ever so gently give him the hint that you are out of commission for the night?

Bold and Honest
Some women just simply state the facts. They tell their mate that they are not interested and that it is not going to happen. No hints have to be given here.

Play Possum
Do you roll over and pretend to be asleep? Pretending that you do not hear him or not acknowledging his attempts may be one way to avoid any frisky play for the night. If you are very tired you may not have to pretend!

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