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Gospel Doctrine: The Things I Saw While I Was Carried Away in the Spirit

Our Gospel Doctrine lesson for last week focused on chapters 12-14 of the Book of Mormon, which is the record of the vision Nephi had when he inquired of the Lord to know the meaning of his father’s dream. Chapter twelve specifically deals with the symbolism found in the vision of the Tree of Life, which we know is an allegory of the importance of holding on to the word of God and coming unto Christ, ignoring the pressures of the world and the temptations that swirl up to pull us off the path.

In chapter thirteen, we see that Nephi is now shown the fate of his descendants. This ties into the vision of the Tree of Life, as many of his descendants will choose to let go of the iron rod and be carried away. Nephi sees the formation of a great and abominable church, which is founded by the devil, and its members are comprised of all those who do not choose to follow Christ. This church is not any one denomination, but rather, a selection of people from across the world, from all walks of life. Even members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints could find themselves in the great and abominable church, if they do not worship Christ with all their hearts and stay close to Him.

We also learn that the Bible had many plain and precious parts removed from it, and that the Book of Mormon completes the Bible, as it restores those missing elements. They work together, as a team, to bring us the fullness.

These Book of Mormon verses are full of prophecy. We see the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus, just to name one. The manual suggests that we sit down, carefully study these chapters, and list which prophecies have come to pass.

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