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Keeping Tabs on the Blessings

You pray and God answers, but do you take the time to praise and thank Him for those answers, even if at times you may think that is not the way you would have answered that prayer. Thankfully God knows better than we do what is needed.
As anyone’s who’s been reading this blog since I started knows, my selling house and moving did not work out as we prayed and planned. But God’s plan was so much better.

Some of the blessings are:

For the home bible study group that started just after we came to this church. In a short time the group has bonded together and formed good friendships as well as learning together from God’s Word and praying for each other. Last night we had a pancake night as a social get together before our Bible study starts back.

A great blessing is the church that we are part of solid biblical teaching, good music and welcoming and supportive people. And I love learning some of the new songs written by Australian musicians like Garage Hymnal as well as more familiar songs like those by Mark Peterson or Bryson Smith.

After several days of torrential rain which caused flash flooding in places, today we reveled in the blue skies as my husband and I took the dogs for a walk and then followed it with a relaxing swim at Huskisson. As I looked out across the amazing panorama of the breach and Jervis Bay, I praised God for eyes to see the wonderful creation he has given us and especially for bringing us here. Each day here is a blessing.

I praise God that we are able to go into schools and teach them about Jesus. What a privilege and a blessing that is and what an n important ministry since a recent National Church Life survey found that 74% of people made decisions for Christ when they were children or teenagers. What a blessing to be involved in that wonderful work as we have been in the past and will be this year.

Another blessing is my prayer partner. To know she regularly prays for me and my family as I pray for her and hers. I praise God for the privilege of prayer and so many answers we have seen over the years.

Why not read Psalm 116:1-2, 5-6, 8 which lists some of God’s blessings and all He has done for us? Follow this by taking time to think of some things that you can praise God for. Maybe you might even share some of your blessings with others?

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