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Follow-up and Follow Through is Critical

If someone was to ask me what I think is the most important element in business (and one that I struggle the most with) I would have to say follow-up. In this busy, hectic, time-poverty world we live in—it can be so common to let things fall off of our plates instead of trying to keep up with all those projects and prospects. The most successful businesses are those where follow-up and follow through are the orders of the day…

I’ve already confessed that this one can be tough for me personally—I really do get overwhelmed and have found that sometimes I will lose contact with a prospect—e-mails get lost or confiscated in my spam filter, someone goes on vacation, my life takes a change (or theirs does) and things get lost. This might be typical of many one-person businesses, but I know it is not the best way to do business. While we don’t want to harass and pester, we also don’t want to lose business. Of course, some people have a higher tolerance for being “pestered” than others, but most people appreciate knowing that you are trying to stay on top of things.

When I think of people like realtors and mortgage lenders, I have to admit that these folks are pretty good on the follow-up. I’m still getting monthly cards and junk mail from some I haven’t been in contact with for years! I definitely wouldn’t have that sort of focus for follow-up. Returning phone calls, contacting prospects, making sure papers and contracts get returned, deciding whether or not to continue working together—all of these take conscious effort and focus. We are all going to forget or let a few things slide now and again, but the better we can be at following up and following through, the more successful our businesses will be.

Also: If You Send Out Press Releases–Be Sure to Follow-Up

When People Ask for Information–Be Sure to Follow Up