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Gospel Doctrine: “Free to Choose Liberty and Eternal Life”

Our Gospel Doctrine lesson this last Sunday was entitled “Free to Choose Liberty and Eternal Life,” as found in 2 Nephi 1-2. Another recommended reading source for this lesson is Moses 5:10-12.

2 Nephi chapter one contains advice from Father Lehi given to his sons shortly before his death. He makes promises to them, predicated on their righteous obedience. However, the Lord does not force us to do anything – we may choose for ourselves to accept those conditions and receive those blessings, or to disregard the conditions and see what happens instead.

In chapter two, look for the words “free,” “act” and “choose.” The manual encourages us to underline those words and carefully consider them.

In verse eight of chapter two, we are encouraged to make it known unto the inhabitants of the earth that Jesus is the Christ and that it is only through Him that redemption can come. Why is it important that we make these things known? We need to have a testimony of it ourselves before we can properly tell others about it, or even have a desire to tell others about it – how can we gain that testimony for ourselves?

In verses fifteen through twenty-five of chapter two, we read about the fall of Adam. We see a comparison of how things were before the fall, and how they were afterward. Being thrown out of the Garden of Eden was a bad thing, and yet it brought about so many blessings. What blessings did it bring about, and what blessings do we have today because of that action?

As we wrap up this lesson, let’s prayerfully consider the following questions:

1. How can I know that Jesus Christ is truly the Messiah, the Son of God?

2. How can adherence to the commandments make me free? Doesn’t obeying a commandment take away my freedom to choose?

3. In what ways will I be free when I keep the commandments?

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