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How Can Reading a Psalm Help You?

Let me give you some ideas of how reading a psalm can sharpen and challenge our thinking. And suggest how to apply it to your life.

This morning I read Psalm 57. In verse 1 David pleads with God to be gracious. Why? Because his soul ‘takes refuge’ in God. Is God my place of refuge and the One I run to when trouble comes? Is he yours?

Notice David’s confidence in verse 2. He knows exactly where to turn and why to go there. He has confidence in God’s ability to undertake for him. David knew God ‘accomplishes all things’ for him. Do I have this same confidence? Do you believe God accomplishes all things for you?

David trusted in God to save him from those who trampled him underfoot, verse 3. Do you and I trust God to save us and deal with those who trample on our feelings and make life hard for us? Are we content to leave our current situations in God’s hands for him to deal with?

Though David was in a dire situation and in danger through the words and actions of others, he could still trust in and exalt God, verse 5. Can you and I do the same when we are in dangerous and difficult situations?

David is aware of the danger waiting for him but knows God has acted on his behalf, ensuring his enemies fell into their own trap, verse 6. Is it any wonder David’s heart is steadfast? He’d proved time and time again that God can be trusted. Have you that same rock solid experience of God? I have. Memory and remembering God’s past deliverances and answered prayers provide a good antidote to fear and worry.

So David praises God. He awakens at dawn to do so, verse 8. Do you and I spend that early part of the day with the Lord?

Privately, and among others, David sings God’s praise, so God is exalted, verses 8-11. Is God exalted by your life and mine and by our praise?

The Lord spoke to me through this psalm, and suggested changes that need to be made. After reading this psalm what changes do you need to make in your life?

Bible verses from The New American Standard Version

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