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Are You Being Taken Advantage Of or Helping Others?

It can be difficult to draw the line between serving others and being taken advantage of. This is especially difficult when it comes to members of the church. I am not speaking of teaching an occasional class or serving in a church calling, but of the times you are asked to help out in some way. Too often others assume because you are in the same ward, that you will offer a discount or do it for free. It can be difficult to deal with this situation.

I have known people who expect plumbers to come over and fix major problems, mechanics that need to do major repair on the cars or photographers to shoot weddings all for free. Often if they are doing the work for free, it is after hours and taking the person away from their family. It is important to carefully consider what it is you are asking of someone before you do it. If you can afford the services then you should be willing to pay for them. It is not fair to ask someone to do it for free.

If you cannot pay for the services you may offer to trade services for the help. Additionally many of these people are willing to help when needed, but it should not be an every day occurrence. If you are having difficulty paying for an emergency repair you may decide to talk to your bishop to receive help as well. You should also consider the amount of time you are asking the person to help you with. If you are asking for more than an hour, you should find a way to pay them back.

When it comes to services that are not emergencies you should consider what the person would normally be paid for that job. Often people do not realize that you are cutting into someone’s livelihood by asking for the services for free and reduced prices. Additionally you may not be considering any costs that the person may be incurring to provide the service. For example a photographer for your wedding will spend time at the wedding, and at home editing and selecting the best photos.

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