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Do you Like Spam?

Your taste in meat products is not at question here. This is not in reference to a little blue can found in your grocery store, it’s in reference to spam found in the comments sections of the Families.com Blogs.

Let me break it down. Here at Families.com, we’re of a “just say no to spam” mindset. We do welcome everyone to join and participate as a member, and we may even be interested in your website or your product…

If you have something great that you want to tell us about, please contact one of the bloggers in the appropriate topic. Many times, by request, we will review a site or product and write about it if we feel it is beneficial to our readers.

We welcome such suggestions, when approached in the appropriate manner.

However, the comments section is for reader feedback – thoughts, questions, and shared experiences, not for links, not to abuse as a form of free advertising. Such messages will be reported and deleted.

The ones that try to sound like a simple comment with an “oh, by the way, here’s a link,” don’t fool anybody either, so save us all some time. Spamming will not get you any advertising benefits, because it will always be quickly deleted.

There’s really no delicate way to say it. It’s just not good business. Really.

I’d venture to say that most of the people using this tactic would not appreciate others spamming their sites, so let’s all just say no to spam, k?

I invite you to contact me if you have a product, service, website, etc. that you’d like to share. You may also discuss such things in our forums (if you engage in actual discussions while sharing your information).

We want everyone to feel welcome and we appreciate each of our members, but like any other “family,” we have rules.