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Alternate Work, Play, Responsibility, and Rest

We cannot always keep things in perfect balance. As much as we may harbor a fantasy of an easy life where everything gets equal attention and we never feel the stress and pull of “not being enough” that just is not reality. It does not hurt, however, to try to keep our home business operations in perspective and alternate some work time with play, and alternate responsibility and duty with rest and relaxation…

The reason this is such a poignant topic for me is that it is something that I personally struggle with. It can be really hard for me to walk away from work or turn from responsibilities long enough to create a little balance in my life. Whether it is the reality of my life as a single parent, oldest child, or something more innate to my personality—making sure there is a healthy mix and balance between the grown-up stuff and the playful, pleasurable stuff is a challenge.

For me, it helps to remind myself that life is not a race meant to be won—when it comes to my home business, I can really get caught up in trying to prove that I can be successful, trying to squeeze out an extra $100 of revenue or cover all the bases and that means that I forget that other things matter too. My own peace of mind, having the time to just hang out with my kids, or getting enough rest and a healthy meal all matter too. And, they matter as much as that extra $100 of revenue!

Even if you cannot work in a little play, rest, and leisure to every day—do try to create more balance in your business and work world. Take off early, start work late, build in some play “appointments” so that it is not all work, work, work.

Also: Business or Play?

Taking Time Off