This is not legal advice. As someone who lives in a state that is highly regulated, I cannot emphasize enough the need for you to advocate for yourself and make a point to know your state laws. While the school district will most likely provide you with a printed copy of the laws and regulations for home schooling, a local home schooling group can be a valuable asset when it comes to navigating your way through the system.
Wyoming is one of the easiest states to homeschool in. Very little paper work is required. For more information on their laws check here.
Required Subjects: There are no specifically stated required subjects but parents are expected to provide, “a sequentially progressive program of fundamental instruction in reading, writing, mathematics, civics, history, literature and science.”
The only paperwork parents have to file in order to legally homeschool is:
Annually submit a curriculum to the local board of trustees showing that a basic academic educational program is being provided. The school board does not have the authority to arbitrarily not approve of the program. The law also states that the school board cannot force you to provide instruction that is contrary to any of your sincerely held religious beliefs.
If parents don’t do this, it is considered evidence that they are not in fact homeschooling their child and will be considered thusly by the courts.
Teacher certification is not required nor is standardized testing.
Alternatives to the homeschooling statute:
Another alternative is for families to homeschool under the control of a church or other religious organization. If families do this, they qualify as a parochial school, even if the child is at home, and therefore are not subject to state laws. This exempts the homeschool from state regulations because the statue specifically says that the state of Wyoming has not right to govern religious schools.
Valorie Delp shares recipes and kitchen tips in the food blog, solves breastfeeding problems, shares parenting tips, and current research in the baby blog, and insight, resources and ideas as a regular guest blogger in the homeschooling blog. To read more articles by Valorie Delp, click here.