There are lots great, useful items that you can make from things that would otherwise end up at the curb awaiting recycling. This is a good opportunity to re-use these items in handy new ways. Sure, they will eventually end up in the recycling bin, but you will have used them well. You will also save money by making useful things instead of having to purchase them.
Patio Party Lanterns
Cut the bottoms from plastic milk jugs (up to the bottom edge of the handle. Place stones or sand in the container. Insert a votive candle in the center and light it. Line the edge of the patio or the walkway for a warm glow when entertaining outdoors.
Picnic or Party Helpers
Cut the bottom off a plastic milk jug to make a shallow pan. Fill the pan with ice and place a dish of food that needs to be kept cold, such as potato salad, on top of the ice. Make similar beverage coolers from soda bottles and place one by each table setting. Guests will enjoy ice-cold drinks all day or evening.
Nothing could be easier than making this simple, disposable funnel. Simply rinse a two-liter soda bottle out, remove the lid, and cut off the top (about 3-4″ down from the bottleneck). Perfect for putting oil in the lawnmower!
Rainwater Collection Containers
Since rainwater is best for watering yard and garden plants, make collection containers from plastic milk jugs. Simply cut off the tops, leaving the handle intact for easy watering. Place a rock inside each one to keep them from blowing away, and set them out when it rains.
Garden Markers
Cut strips from the length of plastic soda bottles to make row markers for your garden. Cut the strips about 5″ long by about 2″ wide. Cut one end to form a point so you can stick it into the soil easily. Mark each strip with a permanent marker.