Allow your body to rid of harmful toxins with a cleansing diet. A lot of times the body feels sluggish, overworked, and irritated. This can all be due to undigested food buildup within the body. With the overwhelming amount of toxins, chemicals and medicines our body takes in on a daily basis, it can become a difficult task to maintain our bodily health. Detoxification is the best, most natural way to rid of unnecessary buildup within the body and begin feeling healthier and more energetic.
A cleansing diet is the way to heal many health problems, and any onsets of health conditions. Through this diet your body will cleanse itself naturally and re-establish a nutritional balance needed for best health. Although detoxification is an excellent way to purify the body, any form of this diet should not exceed three weeks. Cleansing diets are short term diets that perform well within one to three weeks. There is no specific candidate for cleansing diets, almost everyone at some point needs, and should go on a cleansing diet.
These diets work two ways for the body. First, it assists in cleaning the body by stopping the intake of various toxins. The second way it works is by flushing out and ridding of toxins already in the body. The mistake that many people make is taking in foods that are thought to be part of a nutritional diet, when in actuality many of these foods are full of toxins. During the cleansing diet you will want to consume mainly whole grains, steamed vegetables, pasta, rice, herbs, and beans. Also, eat as much organic food as possible.
Non-organic foods are full of pesticides and chemicals. Include in your cleansing diet a healthy amount of fruits and vegetables for amino acids. Just as there are certain foods you should include in your cleansing diet, there are also foods you should stay away from such as meat, dairy products, refined flours and sugars, and fried foods. To further help your body eliminate toxins it is important to include water in your diet. Drink at least one gallon of water everyday to ensure elimination of toxins and renewed health.
Try this cleansing diet for seven days to see how it works for you.
For breakfast start with two glasses of water, one with a little lemon juice in it, and a serving of fruit.
Fifteen to 30 minutes later have a cup of oatmeal or brown rice.
At lunch time have about four cups of steamed vegetables. Make sure to use a variety of vegetables including roots, stems and greens.
Refrigerate the water from the vegetables.
After two hours drink the cold left over vegetable water.
At dinner time do the same as lunch. For this diet it is recommended that you not eat after dinner, but non-caffeinated beverages such as herbal teas are encouraged.
If you feel hungered throughout the day, you should substitute food with water and munch on vegetables. If this diet is satisfactory it should be repeated several times a year. There are many other types of cleansing diets available. Make sure you find one that suits you.