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Young Men: “And Who Is My Neighbor?”

In his talk “And Who Is My Neighbor?” Bishop H David Burton is speaking at the Priesthood session of conference. He gives a report of the humanitarian aid effort of the church over the past year. It is amazing to listen to all that the church has been able to do to help others in need. Bishop Burton stated that they responded to 170 major events. This averages out to about one every two days.

The church helped out in countries around the world. They helped with natural disasters, fires, earthquakes, famine and storms. The church also donated food to local food shelters, donated wheelchairs to over 60,000 people, helped to vaccinate children in Africa and helped with water projects. The money, time and service came from the members of the church. When responding to disasters it is the members in the local areas that step forward and help.

The church humanitarian efforts are well organized. You can learn more about the specific projects here. Throughout the world, individual wards and members are also reaching out and serving quietly in their communities. You may also want to visit Welfare Square if you live in the Salt Lake area or if you are traveling there. You can learn more about what the church does and how it is able to organize its efforts quickly and effectively. There is a shuttle you can catch from Temple Square to visit the center.

This talk reminded me that I need to continue to reach out and support others. My ward and stake continually work to help the local women’s shelter to have supplies and hygiene kits to hand out. Through service we can bless the lives of those around us, and give them love at times of need and crisis. What do you or your ward do to help in the community?

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