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Foods That Make You Feel Full: Protein

Protein has a chemical effect on the brain that causes the body to feel satisfied after a meal high in protein. By high in protein, I mean approximately 30 grams of protein. Every adult human being should be aiming to consume between 30 and 50 grams of protein per meal. As I’ve mentioned in previous blogs, if you are trying to lose weight and/or exercising regularly you should try to consume as many grams of protein throughout the day as the number of pounds in your goal weight.

For example: If your goal weight is 150, then you should consume a minimum total of 150 grams of protein per day. Since your body cannot process more than 50 grams of protein in one sitting, you’ll need to have a minimum of three meals per day with 50 grams protein each or you could go even further and have five meals in the day that each have 30 grams of protein each. (I prefer this tactic because 50 grams of protein in one sitting is too filling for me.) Now before you start wondering how you’ll possibly prepare five meals of meat and potatoes per day, stop. You could always make two, or even three of those meals a protein shake. Also, for any baby boomers reading this, you don’t need to include potatoes in every meal. In fact, if you’re trying to lose weight – lose the potato.

*Tip: My kids still go through quite a few bottles per day. The baby has formula and the preschooler prefers vanilla whey shakes over milk. I prepare their bottles every night before bed so I just prepare my own protein shakes right along with them. That way, I have my shakes that cost less than 50 cents each ready to drink when I need them throughout my busy day of diaper changes and potty training.

If you’re dieting, give this protein formula a try. I guarantee you’ll feel much more satisfied after each meal, feel little to no hunger and start losing weight.