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Exploring Options Before You Make Changes

It can take a lot of research and exploration before a person decides to take the plunge and start a new business. Many of us do market research, read acres of books, and talk to a dozen people (or more) before we ever hang up our shingle and start our home-based business. Once things are under way, however, we may forget that it is often better to explore options and do some research before making a big change.

Give yourself time whenever possible to explore all the possibilities before leaping into a change. I know that this is not always possible. There are times when we just have to think fast, problem-solve, leap and then sort out the repercussions later. Most of the time, however, (at least for most of our home businesses and industries) we do have time to sort things out and doing some exploration for possibilities, we just need to organize ourselves to take this time to do research.

Now, your research and exploration might include some reading and question-asking, but I know that I even like to include sketching out pros and cons and budgeting in my exploration process. Until I have worked out a budget and compared how much things might cost or the potential for revenue, I do not feel as though I have fully explored my options. After all, this is a business that I am running and making money is a big part of why I am working so hard. I need to know how things will influence my bottom line before I make any changes.

Take some time, ask questions, try to look at things from different angles—this exploratory process is very important to gathering what you need to make good choices before making changes to your home business operations.

Also: If You Do What You Can Tolerate–the Money will Follow

Making Changes With or Without Your Family