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Dinner Discussions 2008 Week 19

This week’s dinner discussions are based on lesson nineteen in the manuals. The primary lessons are a week behind the rest of the lessons. You should adjust the schedule according to your ward’s schedule. As you have the discussion be sure to encourage your children and be open to answer questions that may arise during the discussion.

If you have a child in Nursery or Sunbeams he learned about being thankful that he can hear. The children learned the story of Jesus hearing the deaf man. They also discussed the things that they can hear. They may have also discussed using sign language with people who can not hear. They also learned that they can use their ears to hear and learn the gospel. They learned about the First Vision as well. You may want to review these points with your children.

If you have a child between the ages of four and seven she learned about prayer. The lesson focused on how the Lord does answer prayers. It shared stories of times when prayers were answered the way someone wanted them to be answered, and times when they were answered with a negative reply. You may want to share a story about when one of your prayers was answered.

If you have a child between the ages of eight and eleven he learned about the conversion of King Lamoni’s father in Alma 22 and 23 in The Book of Mormon. The children discussed the importance of knowing the scripture stories and believing in Heavenly Father. They were encouraged to memorize the second and third Articles of Faith. The assigned reading for the week is Alma 22:1-16.

If you have a child who is twelve or thirteen she learned about patriarchal blessings. The class compared the blessings to a personal Liahona. They learned what they may find in a patriarchal blessing and the importance of staying worthy to receive it and the promised blessings. You may want to discuss this in more depth with your family.

For all members over the age of fourteen the lesson discussed Mosiah 18-24. The lesson covered Alma and his people fleeing King Noah, as well as King Noah’s death. It also discussed the people of Limhi and their eventual rescue. It also discussed the rescue of Alma’s people from the Lamanites. Next week’s reading is Mosiah 25-28 and Alma 36.

The young women learned about the importance of her heritage. The young men learned about fasting. The Priesthood and Relief Society lessons were based on talks from General Conference. Next week’s lessons are determined by individual presidencies.

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