Do you worry about your computer security? Experts tell us that we don’t worry enough. We really should change passwords often and set up firewalls at the very least. If you are a Comcast email subscriber, then you know how even a large company packed with security measures can come under attack. Learn more about this story and others featured this past week.
May 26th
Guitar Hero World Tour Band Kit
Ready to be a star? GameStop has just released the latest information on the upcoming video game Guitar Hero World Tour Band Kit. The bundle for this bit of phenomena of a rock simulator (think Van Halen not mineral) is scheduled to be released tomorrow, on May 27th.
Computing Week in Review: May 19th Through May 25th
Have you ever been a victim of identity theft? If you own an iPod, you very well could be. Read this past week’s article to learn more. Here is the week in review for May 19th through May 25th
May 27th
Japan Warns Parents about Kids and Cell Phones
In Japan, concern about cell phones has nothing to do with cancer. Instead, the focus is on the dangers that cell phones pose to children. In fact, the Japanese government feels that the threat is so real, that it is starting a program to warn parents and schools that they must restrict cell phone use among children.
May 28th Lowers Price on Kindle
Do you dream of reading your books electronically? If so, you may be excited by the latest news about the Kindle device on The Internet retail giant announced a 10 percent price cut on the Kindle, bringing the device down from $400 to $360. Will it make a difference.
May 29th
If you use Comcast email or Internet services you might just be in for a big headache. Last night, unknown hackers got in to Comcast email, despite extensive security measures that were taken by the company to prevent such hacking.
May 30th
Typeracer: A Fun Way to Improve Your Typing Skills for Free
In my household, pretty much any chore gets turned into a game. Whether it is putting toys away or seeing how fast the dishes can be done, the competitive aspect of a game seems to give us all motivation for doing those things that aren’t fun on their own. That is why when I cam across Typeracer, I knew I just had to try it.