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Happy Feet

“Happy Feet” is an animated tale of the struggles faced by a penguin. The story begins before the little penguin, Mumble, is even born. It shows the hardships that penguins go through in hatching and carrying for their eggs. The movie gives some insight on the roles carried out by the male and female penguin. These clips give some resemblance to those that can be seen in “March of the Penguins”.

Right from hatching, everyone knows that Mumble is different. He hatches late and comes out dancing with his feet. Mumble’s breed of penguins is known for their heart song and singing. However, Mumble can do nothing more than dance.

The movie is based on Mumble struggling with the talent that he has and the talent that he needs to survive in his penguin world. While Mumble’s mother is content with how he is, Mumble would love to win over his father, Memphis, and the heart of his friend, Gloria.

When the penguins experience a great loss in fish, Mumble decides to set out to discover what is happening to the food supply. This is one chance for him to gain some recognition.

Mumble meets up with another breed of penguins along the way and is accepted by the new friends. He runs into struggles with leopard seals and more.

In the end Mumble is caught and taken to what appears to be type of zoo or exhibit. The discovery from the humans that Mumble can dance leads to his freedom. Mumble is set out with a tracking device. He heads back home to let the others know that the humans are taking the fish.

He encourages everyone to dance for the people. The people gain the understanding that the penguins need the fish and decide to leave the food supply alone.

This is a cute movie and I absolutely fell in love with the eyes of Mumble. The movie is full of popular music from all types of artists.

There are a few wise cracks and referrals made toward male and female penguins. However the movie is basically clean with a few attempts to create rude humor for the adult viewer.

Snow Buddies

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