“Gordy” is a family friendly film that captures the viewer’s heart. Gordy, a young piglet, and his family live on a farm that is going under. While Gordy is out for a walk, a truck comes and loads up his entire family to sell. Gordy is devastated as he sees his father being taken away. As a last promise to his father, Gordy vows to take care of the family.
Gordy discovers that his family has been taken “north”. He sets out to find them. After sneaking into a basket, Gordy ends up in the back of a truck at a country dance club where a little girl, Jenny Sue, and her father are singing. Jenny Sue finds Gordy and makes it her responsibility to care for him.
While on the road travelling with the band, Jenny Sue and Gordy meet Hanky, the grandson of a wealthy food marketer. Gordy saves Hanky from drowning in a pool. Jenny Sue decides to give her new pet to Hanky.
Gordy becomes famous after saving Hanky. After a competition with Hanky’s mother, who wants to become a star, Gordy wins over the food company’s new name and logo (Hero Pig Company).
However Gordy’s fame does not make him happy. He still wants to find his family. Gordy and Hanky set out on their own to find Gordy’s family. They are soon picked up by Jenny Sue and her father. While on the road, Hanky finds out that his grandfather died. The company is left to Hanky and Gordy.
Hanky’s mother’s boyfriend wants control of the company and tries to have Gordy destroyed. However Gordy is too smart.
In the end, Gordy’s family is found and Hanky’s mom and Jenny Sue’s dad become a couple. The bad people are discovered and everything works out for the best.
I enjoyed this movie because it included many attractive factors. It was complete with a sweet pig; packed with action of the chase of Gordy, suspenseful with wondering if Gordy would find his family in time, and heartwarming with a love story.