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Dieting Without Vegetables

“I hate vegetables. Can just eat fruit instead?”

While fruit is good for you, you just can’t forget about vegetables. A healthy diet plan will include both fruits and vegetables. Vegetables contain much more fiber, vitamins and minerals and less sugar than fruit.

The great thing about vegetables is that there are just so many of them to choose from! Surely, if you give yourself some time to experiment, you can find some vegetables in the list below that you’ll enjoy on a regular basis.

Amaranth, Beet greens, Bitterleaf, Bok choy, Brussels sprout, Cabbage, Catsear, Celtuce, Ceylon spinach, Chicory, Chinese Mallow, Chrysanthemum, Corn salad, Cress, Dandelion, Endive, Epazote, Fat hen, Fiddlehead, Fluted pumpkin, Golden samphire, Good King Henry, Ice plant, Jambu, Kai-lan, Komatsuna, Kuka, Lagos bologi, Land cress, Lettuce, Lizard’s tail, Melokhia, Mizuna greens, Mustard, Napa/Chinese Cabbage, New Zealand Spinach, Orache, Pea, Polk, Radicchio, Garden Rocket, Samphire, Sea beet, Seakale, Sierra Leone bologi, Soko, Sorrel, Spinach, Summer purslane, Swiss chard, Tatsoi, Turnip, Watercress, Water spinach, Winter purslane, Yau choy, Armenian cucumber, Eggplant, Avocado, Bell pepper, Bitter melon, Caigua, Cape Gooseberry, Cayenne pepper, Chayote, Chili pepper, Cucumber, Globe Artichoke, Luffa, Malabar gourd, Parwal, Perennial cucumber, Pumpkin, Pattypan squa

sh, Snake gourd, Squash, Sweetcorn, Sweet pepper, Tinda, Tomato, Tomatillo, Winter melon, West Indian gherkin, Zucchini, American groundnut, Azuki bean, Black-eyed pea, Chickpea, Drumstick, Dolichos bean, Fava bean, French bean, Guar, Horse gram, Indian pea, Lentil, Moth bean, Mung bean, Okra, Pea, Peanut, Pigeon pea, Rice bean, Runner bean, Soybean, Tarwi, Tepary bean, Urad bean, Velvet bean, Winged bean, Yardlong bean, Asparagus, Cardoon, Celeriac, Celery, Elephant Garlic, Florence fennel, Garlic, Kohlrabi, Kurrat, Leek, Lotus root, Nopal, Onion, Prussian asparagus, Shallot, Welsh onion, Wild leek, Acorn squash, Ahipa, Arracacha, Bamboo shoot, Beetroot, Black cumin, Broadleaf arrowhead, Camas, Canna, Carrot, Cassava, Chinese artichoke, Daikon, Earthnut pea, Elephant Foot yam, Ensete, Ginger, Gobo, Hamburg parsley, Jerusalem artichoke, Jicama, Parsnip, Pignut, Plectranthus, Potato, Prairie turnip, Radish, Rutabaga, Salsify, Scorzonera, Skirret, Sweet Potato, Taro, Ti, Tigernut, Turnip, Ulluco, Wasabi, Water chestnut, Yacon, Yam,Aonori, Carola, Hijiki, Kombu, Mozuku, Laver,Ogonori, Sea grape, Sea lettuce, and Wakame. 

Surely there must be something you'll like!