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Home Week in Review: June 9 -15

Here are this week’s articles at a glance:

Is your Home-life too busy for some Family Fun?

Sometimes, even the good things in life can seem like another source of stress or feel like just another expense in growing pile of bills. It’s sad, but it happens. We just have so much going on that it can be overwhelming. It seems like there isn’t even time to relax and have a little fun. That’s when we have to get organized and make time.

Dry Erase Door

There are so many fun types of paint out there these days. These paints can let you be really creative, especially when it comes to a kids or teen’s room. Previously, I talked about using blackboard paint for some different home projects. Now, let’s take a look at another great type of paint: the dry-erase paint.

7 Ways to Have A Healthy Bedroom

Are you always getting colds and allergy symptoms no matter what time of year it is? Do your kids wake up with sniffles and coughs that go away later in the day? Are you tired when you wake up? If so, you might want to consider the fact that you are suffering from allergies.

Don’t miss part two.

Jig-a-loo? What’s that?

Jig-a-loo might just replace some of the products you already use, since it doesn’t contain oils or elements that stain or create harsh fumes, not to mention the fact that you’ll only need one product instead of several.

Reader Question: What if I don’t want to turn on the Oven?

When it’s hot, many of us shy away from using the oven and heating up the entire kitchen (instead of just our food), much like this reader…

Let’s Talk Cutting Boards

There’s a lot of advice out there when it comes to kitchen cutting boards, especially cutting board cleanliness, but here are a few more tips that should be useful.

Two Solutions for a Wet Yard

yard Does your yard suffer from water runoff? If you have a pool in your yard or find your mulch heading down the street every time it rains then you’ll need to fix the problem. Here are two solutions for when you have to take care of your yard’s water problems.

Turning Bad Design Trends into Good Design Trends

Here is how you can taken an existing trend that might make you say “What???” and turn it into one that will make you say “Wow!”

Keep Out Mold and Dust

A healthy home is a home that is free from dust, mold and other allergens. While you may think your home is clean, there are some things that you can do to ensure that it is really clean, including the air in your home.

What Color Should Your Kitchen Appliances Be?

Often when an appliance needs to be replaced, you stick with the same colors that you already have. But be aware that the color of your appliances can dictate any future upgrades to your kitchen, unless of course you are willing to install all new appliances, which can be costly.