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Diary of a Cat Care B&B: Home Renovations

Most of our clients at the cats-only boarding facility leave their furry friends with us when nobody will be home — a business trip or family vacation, for example. Lately, it seems we have a lot of guests who are in need of a safe haven during moving or home construction.

Why board your pet during home renovations or packing for a move?

  • Reduce the risk of your pet escaping when someone is bringing supplies in or out.
  • If your pet is skittish around strangers, he or she won’t feel safe or comfortable with unfamiliar movers or construction workers in the house.
  • If your pet has noise phobias, he or she won’t like the strange, loud sounds that come with home renovations.
  • Your pet will be safe and well cared-for while you’re distracted with packing or renovations.
  • Some pets don’t react well to major changes in the daily routine. Removing them from the house during construction or packing for a move can help them stay calmer.
  • You won’t have to worry about tripping over food and water bowls or cleaning the litter box while you’re working on the house.

One nice thing for our kitty guests is that their owners are still in town and can find time to visit.

Home renovations, however, don’t always go according to schedule. We had one guest with us for nearly two months — much longer than our usual limit on a stay at the boarding facility — because the company working on the floors at home was behind schedule. If you are boarding a pet because of work being done on the house, it’s a good idea to check in with your contractors to make sure things are going to be completed on time. Many boarding facilities will be understanding and flexible about your pet’s stay — but it helps them to know in advance if your pet will be staying longer than expected.