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Can Things Ever be the Same?

Every relationship hits down times when things are less than perfect. In some cases the partners are unsure exactly what it is that is keeping them at odds and in some cases there is a definite occurrence that has the relationship on rocks.

Everything is great and you feel that your mate is the most wonderful person in the world, and then something happens. You see him or her in a whole new light. Your feelings are not as strong as they once were and you begin to feel a distance among the two of you.

This occurrence that places a wedge between the two of you may be as big as an act of unfaithfulness or as unnoticeable as a comment that went straight to your heart. Regardless it changed something. It changed the way that you feel about your mate and the intensity of your relationship.

So can things ever be the same again. In some cases yes and in some cases no. It all depends on how badly the act hurt you and how your mate responds after.

Your relationship can only mend and continue to flourish once again if you completely put the act behind you and feel at peace in your heart. If this cannot be done then maybe there is an underlying reason on why your “forgive and forget” is causing you so much agony. Perhaps deep down in your heart you know that the relationship is not meant to be or that you deserve better.

In one previous article that I was reading a lady was struggling with a situation such as the one described above. Her mate had hurt her by commenting on how he did not find her body attractive. He went as far as to say that he preferred her clothes to stay on during intimate moments.

She could not bring herself to feel the same about him after he made the hurtful comments. While she desperately tried to love him, her heart kept telling her that she deserved better. She needed someone who loved her for her and everything that she was.

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