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Annual Fourth of July Ward Breakfast

The annual Fourth of July breakfast is a staple among ward activities. I have been to many different wards annual breakfasts, and the events vary from location to location. The best food was sausage (the big fat ones (more like a Polish hot dog) that were sliced) along with the pancakes and the other usual fare. The worst was the watermelon served along side the pancakes and syrup. In fact it has become a running joke with the people that attended that particular breakfast. And the most unique is the “bring your own box of cereal” breakfast—last two years in my home ward. Since I’m not a morning person I either slept through these—I can eat that at home thanks or I have been out of town.

Whatever the food, though the spirit is still the same. I love the Fourth of July breakfasts because it is a chance to think about the country in which we live. It is a chance to honor those soldiers that fought for our freedom and those that are fighting for it still. It is a chance to remember the freedoms that we truly enjoy in our nation. A chance to realize how blessed we truly our to be a part of one the most blessed nations in the world, where even some of our poorest members have wealth beyond other countries wildest dreams.

It is a chance to reflect on what we are doing, and where we are going, and an opportunity to say thank you. So as you eat your cold pancakes, or your watermelon tomorrow, take the time to sing the song that celebrate our nations. Thank the veterans in your ward, and pray for the soldiers fighting for us around the world. Commit yourself to taking part in the political process, another blessing that we have.

I’ll be doing those things tomorrow as I get up at 6:00 to bake the casserole I’m taking to my 8:00 ward breakfast. Though I may grumble a bit, truly I am glad to have the opportunity to remember. What is it that you love about our nation?

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