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Planning Your College Course Schedule

When creating your college schedule of courses you have much more freedom than you likely did with your high school schedule. In most high schools, you choose the courses that you wish to take and a high school counselor fits them into a schedule. You have no control over which period you will get a course.

However college is a little different. While classes can get full and close, you still have some control over what days and which times you take a course.

Some courses are offered in the daytime and at night. Some offered two days and week and some are offered three days a week. Some are morning classes and some are afternoon classes. You often have many different options when it comes to creating your college course schedule.

Some college students prefer to go to class every day of the week. They take classes on more days per week but for shorter amounts of time. If you have a pretty free schedule and a smaller attention span this may be the way to go. However other students prefer to have days free from class. They go to school fewer days per week but the classes last for a longer span of time.

There are benefits to all different types of college course schedules. Before signing up for your courses, take a look at all of your options. The same courses are usually offered at various times. Consider your lifestyle and determine which type of schedule will work best for you.

Are you a morning person or a night owl? Do you plan to work while attending college? Are you commuting or living on campus? All of these can make a big difference when it comes to which schedule will work best for you.

College Courses for High Schoolers

Community College Courses

College and Homeschool