You are working from home and, hopefully, you are happy about it. If you have been doing this for a while, you have likely adjusted to a different pace and are learning how to keep yourself motivated as you work away at your home business. What can happen to many of us home business owners, however, is that we get isolated. We don’t want to forfeit our productivity so we work away hour after hour without taking a break. I am here to tell you that you will actually be MORE productive if you get out and go to lunch, take a break, and interact with some other people once in a while.
I know how it can be tough to justify any activity during the work day that does not directly produce income. Think back to your life working a more traditional job, however. Chances are you went out to lunch with colleagues and friends, or maybe you even met your spouse or partner for lunch and talked about anything but work. As a home business owner, we can get trapped into thinking that it has to be work, work, work or networking, promoting and marketing. What happened to going to lunch to actually get away from work for an hour or so? This can still be a healthy strategy now that you have your own home business.
Of course, you can make a lunch date with a colleague or someone with whom you do business, but it is okay to make a lunch date for fun during the work day too. Why not go out for lunch with someone of your choosing? You just might return to work after lunching with a friend or loved one feeling rejuvenated and invigorated and ready to get back to the old grindstone!