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Young Men: “The Twelve Year Old Deacon”

In his talk “The Twelve Year Old Deacon” by Elder John M Madsen speaks about the potential that each deacon has. He opens his talk by sharing the experience that President Hinckley had when he attended his first stake priesthood meeting. He sat by himself at the back, since his father was on the stand. He gained a testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith at that meeting when they song “Praise to the Man.”

Elder Madsen then speaks about a statue that depicts five deacons sitting on a bench at church and asks what is possible from each of these boys. He speaks about the potential that they have to grow up to be great leaders. Elder Madsen emphasizes that they youth of today have been saved for the last days and have many great and important things to accomplish.

Elder Madsen suggests that the deacons should look to the story of the young boy Jesus teaching in the temple as an example of how they should conduct their lives. He also points out the importance of gaining a strong testimony of the divinity of the Savior and his mission while they are young. This will give them the strength to fulfill their divine missions on earth.

This is a good talk. It is important to realize the potential that each of the youth have. It is important that we, as parents and leaders, take the time to teach the youth of the Savior, and to bear our testimonies to them. We also need to teach them the gospel so they can accomplish the tasks that they have before them. We live in an increasingly difficult world, and they will need all the preparation they can get in order to prepare for the future to meet their challenges. I hope you will take the time to read and ponder this talk.

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