Throughout your hectic and crazy lifestyles you likely often depend a lot on your partners to help you out with chores, tasks, and daily activities.
For example it may be very critical to your day and routines that your husband put the roast in the oven thirty minutes before you are to arrive home. Or it may be an important part of your day that your wife pick up your suit for tonight’s meeting so you can make it there on time.
Most people depend greatly on their spouses to help out with various chores. The need may be insignificant and simple or it may very crucial and complex. You may simple need a movie returned to the video store or you may need the children picked up from school. Either way you are depending on your mate.
The thing that rocks the boat in many relationships is that your partner is human. Every now and then your needs are forgotten or passed by due to a more important issue. When you are let down by your partner not carrying out your expectation, you may get upset and frustrated. However it is important to remember that nagging, arguing, and yelling at your partner is not going to get anything accomplished.
So what if every now and then one of those small tasks is overlooked by your mate? Of course if he or she left the children waiting outside of school for an hour that is a much bigger deal!
The best approach to take to mate’s slip up is to simply do the task yourself and remain quiet. Many feel that by completing the task and not mentioning to their mate that their mate will continue to let things go even more. However by your silent and seemingly understanding attitude your mate will likely feel bad about not carrying out your expectations and help out even more.
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