In the forum we’ve been talking about favorite hymns and church songs. Valorie commented she liked the old hymns because the theology is so rich. I agree. There are important bibles truths come out in some of those old hymns and so beautifully expressed. How could I have forgotten ‘Be Thou My Vision,’ – an absolute gem, though I like the version with the words, ‘Be thou my dignity, thou my delight,’ rather than some of the other versions that omit these words. When I was doing the music in my previous church I always specified we use these words.
Sometimes, (not always though) the tunes need updating. I like the new tune to ‘My Hope is Built on Nothing Less’ and ‘May the Mind of Christ my Savior.’ Other times the tunes just need to be played at a good singable (Is that a word? I’m going to use it anyway- you know what I mean) speed and not dragged out.
‘Before the Throne of God Above’ words were written in 1863. ‘My name is graven on His hands, my name is written on His heart.’ The words are great and such an encouragement. Updated, the tune makes it accessible for more generations.
Some modern church songs are great theologically as Labhoise said about ‘In Christ Alone’ . I love that too and ‘See Him Coming’– looking towards the return of Jesus is one of my favorites. One I only heard recently is ‘How Can This Be?’ It presents the suffering of Jesus on the cross clearly, dramatically and poignantly.
I often come home from singing practice and church singing the hymns. The truth is I love to sing, and often break into song while doing housework and people are probably used to seeing this crazy woman singing at the top of her lungs as she drives. These are not always hymns and church songs. Sometimes they are songs from the 60s or musicals as well. But I especially love praising God. It’s good for lifting my spirits as well. What a sad place our world would be ‘Without a Song’ as Anthony Warlow sings on a CD I have.
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