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Author Interview: Michele Ashman Bell on Modesty

erereMichele Ashman Bell is a bestselling LDS author who has joined us in the past here on Families.com. With the release of her new novel and its emphasis on the importance of modesty, I’ve invited her back to speak with us on this most important topic.

Michele, thank you so much for joining me today. Can you tell us about your recent release?

A Modest Proposal” is about Lauryn Alexander, a fashion designer in New York, who is determine to design high fashion, but modest, clothing. She is convinced that not all women are built like runway models and not all of them want to dress in revealing clothes. She goes up against one of the biggest designers in the business who is determined to bring her down. But she believes in herself and what she’s trying to do and with the help and support of her friends, she doesn’t give up!

I’ve read a number of glowing reviews of this book all over the Internet, and I’m impressed that you’re tackling the subject of modesty. What inspired you to write a book on this subject?

I have loved receiving emails and letters thanking me for writing a book about modesty. It has been awesome to get this kind of response. Modesty has always been an issue that seems to plague young women, especially young women in the Church. The world isn’t doing anything to help our cause. It’s difficult if not impossible to find modest prom/formal dresses. I can’t tell you how many hours I spent in dressing rooms with my daughter in tears because we couldn’t find a dress for a school dance. Either they were modest and ugly, or immodest and pretty. Consequently we had to become creative in learning how to modify and alter dresses. At first it was a bit stressful, but each time we got better and better until now we actually have fun modifying clothes because we love putting our own personal touches on these dresses and creating new fashions.

Even as my oldest daughter has done pageants, she’s tried to maintain a modest wardrobe and believe me, when you have to alter gowns that are worth thousands of dollars, it’s a little scary. But it’s also worth it! I realized there are thousands of moms and daughters who struggle with this same problem so I figured they would relate to this topic.

I also wanted to help young girls understand that modesty isn’t a punishment, but a blessing. The exciting thing is that I’m seeing a huge trend in modest clothing and there are wonderful companies out there who are making a big impact in the fashion industry. In fact, in the back of my book is an entry form for a $500.00 dress giveaway by “Beautifully Modest” that can be used toward a prom dress or wedding dress. The contest runs until December 31st, 2008. So send your entry forms in!

Why do you feel it’s so important for our young women (and our not so young women) to understand the reasons for modesty?

If girls only understood the kind of message they send out to others by the way they dress I know they would be more careful about their clothing choices. Modesty seems to be a negative word to most girls, but I am trying to speak to youth and help them understand that you can wear fun, trendy clothes and still be modest. Girls need to realize (and their moms need to have discussions about this with them) that the more skin you show, the more you draw attention to yourself, but it is not positive attention! Boys and men are hard-wired differently than women – SURPRISE! If a woman dresses in revealing attire, she is advertising her body. I don’t think a girl would like to know what boys are thinking as she walks by in a low-cut, belly-baring shirt and a short skirt.

So much of peer pressure is tied up in fashion. Are there ways we can dress that keep us looking up to date without compromising our beliefs? It does take more effort to find modest clothes, especially during the summer. Personally I think it’s time for LDS girls to stand up and start some positive peer pressure to dress modestly. If girls would embrace this and accept the challenge, they could change the world!

Michele, thank you so much for casting modesty in such a positive light and helping our young women understand that it’s cool to stay covered. We appreciate you so much.

Related Blogs:

The Law of Chastity

Young Women: Modesty

The Lord’s Standards

Click here to read other articles by Tristi Pinkston.