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More Wisdom From Proverbs

Yesterday we looked at Proverbs 30:5-6. Today we’ll look at Proverbs 30:7-9, where the writer asks two things of God. The first is: ‘Keep falsehood and lies far from me.’ This could be read as keep me from telling lies to others.

We often want to grade lies. It’s easy to slip into what we term ‘white lies,’ so as not to hurt another person’s feelings, or because we want to please them or make ourselves look good but God makes no distinction. Lies are lies.

Proverbs 19:5 says ,’he who pours out lies will not go free.’ The idea is similar in Proverbs 19:9.
The Bible declares, ‘a poor man is better than a liar,’ Proverbs 19: 22. It also says Satan is the ‘father of lies,’ John 8:44. Surely we do not want to be linked with the evil one, which is what we are doing if we tell lies. Psalm 34:13 warns ‘keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking lies.’

Proverbs 30:7 could also mean, keep me from me a victim of the lies of others. In the forum there has been discussion about lies and the devastating and destructive effect they can have on marriage. My mother used to say ’you can never trust a liar’ I would struggle to maintain relationship with a habitual liar.

Given the current economic situation and the uncertainty many are feeling about their finances, the next part of this verse is particularly interesting. The writer says ‘give me neither poverty nor riches but give me only my daily bread.’ The writer is aware of the danger of riches which can lead to the person becoming so money oriented and wealth obsessed that they turn away from God. It is not money but ‘the love of money’ that is a root of all kinds of evil and draws people away from their faith and from God, 1 Timothy 6:10.

Not having enough money can also be a problem leading to sin, Proverbs 30:9. It can lead to stealing. Recently talking to a friend, who volunteers at a goodwill shop, (op shop in Australia) she said they have trouble with shoplifters. Because they are struggling financially, these people try to steal what they need instead of paying the small amounts to buy the goods.

Proverbs got it right. We need just enough so we are not tempted to sin either way. It makes me thankful that we are not rich and neither are we so poor as to have to rely on charity but that God has given us enough, not for all our wants but for our needs.

Bible Verses from The New International Version

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