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Home Week in Review: November 3rd Through November 9th

On Sunday evening, we decided to have an early night. We finished our errands for the day, enjoyed a crock pot meal and then cozied up to a roaring fire. These are the best days to appreciate being home. How did you end your week?

November 3rd

Home Week in Review: October 27th Through November 2nd

Here is the week in review for October 27th through November 2nd.

November 4th

Bringing the Importance of the Presidential Election Home

Just before bed one day last week, my seven-year-old son was asking me about the presidential election. Bouncing my two-year-old on my hip and supervising the “almost-four-year-old” while she brushed her teeth, I started launching into the two-party system, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, the names of the current candidates, taking him with me when I went to vote, weighing the issues, etc. My son looked at me quizzically, and then gave a slight nod. “But the important thing is that history is going to be made.”

November 5th

My Love/Hate Relationship with the Fall Leaves

When fall first arrives, it brings great delight. The leaves change colors and descend, brightening up the yard and driveway with colors from nature, as though an artist’s brush has painted the landscape. People travel from all over to the hot fall spots (we called these tourists “leaf peepers,” when I lived in New England. (By the way, I am adamant that New England has the absolutely best display of fall leaf color. It is the combination of warm fall days and crisp cool nights that does it.)

November 6th

How to Garden in a Bad Economy

Let’s face it, the economy is affecting everything, even gardening. In fact, I think it is increasing the prevalence of gardening, as people look to grow their own food, stay close to home and have activities that don’t cost a lot of money.

November 7th

Where the Cold Germs Hide in Your Home

If someone comes down with a cold or flu in your household, it is usually inevitable that at least one other family member will get it. At least that is the way it is in my household. By the time one person starts exhibiting the symptoms, chances are that we have all already been exposed to the same germs. That still doesn’t stop me from disinfecting everything in sight.

November 8th

Involving Kids in Fall Cleanup

Around our house, fall yard work is a complete family affair. Everyone is expected to do his or her part, even the youngest. While this may see like cheap labor (in fact it sometimes takes more time when kids help then when they don’t) it is actually a way of spending time together as a family while doing what needs to be done.

November 9th

Four Questions to Ask Your Moving Company

When it comes time to make a move to a new home, one of the scariest things to do is to find a moving company that you can trust. Everyone has horror stories to share about bad situations they have been in with the movers that they selected. I have heard tales of movers damaging or losing belongings, or worse, outright stealing or holding items hostage until an inflated fee is paid. This makes it hard to feel secure about hiring movers.

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About Mary Ann Romans

Mary Ann Romans is a freelance writer, online content manager, wife and mother of three children. She lives in Pennsylvania in the middle of the woods but close enough to Target and Home Depot. The author of many magazine, newspaper and online articles, Mary Ann enjoys writing about almost any subject. "Writing gives me the opportunity to both learn interesting information, and to interact with wonderful people." Mary Ann has written more than 5,000 blogs for Families.com since she started back in December 2006. Contact her at maromans AT verizon.net or visit her personal blog http://homeinawoods.wordpress.com