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More on CLEP Exams

The last time I wrote about CLEP exams, I was just discovering how they could help in our homeschooling journey. In my usual autodidact way, I have since immersed myself into everything CLEP, and integrated that knowledge into what I already know about homeschooling. It is time to share that information with you.

There are 34 CLEP exams available that students can take and they cover math, language arts, literature, history, science, and philosophy. These tests were created to allow college students to test out of taking classes where they already held the knowledge that would be taught, but they may also be used by homeschool students to prove they know the knowledge they were taught in their homeschool years. The pleasant side effect is that because these homeschoolers are taking college course level tests, many colleges count these tests as college level credit, thereby allowing them to kill two birds with one stone. The homeschoolers get to finish high school and start college with these simple tests.

While some of these tests are easier than others, a bit of dedicated study time will allow the homeschooler to recall or to learn for the first time the information held in these exams. If your student wants to tackle a test where they don’t have previous knowledge, there are several online courses, study guides, and even courses that they can follow to help them study. Some of the better websites are clepguru.com which ranks tests by difficulty, and ClepPrep.tripod.com which provides study guides, resources, and suggestions.

In addition to CLEP exams, there are also other exams that homeschoolers can take to prove their knowledge base and to test out of college. There are DANTES/DSST exams, as well. In all, a student can acquire up to 50 credit hours saving tens of thousands of dollars off the cost of college tuition.

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