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The Changing Family

I have been interested in studying social groups for some time now. One of the most interesting observable groups to watch, I think, are families. There has been debate in the past about what really constitutes a family. I like Dictionary.com’s definition because it is clear and broad. It states that families are:

a. A fundamental social group in society typically consisting of one or two parents and their children.
b. Two or more people who share goals and values, have long-term commitments to one another, and reside usually in the same dwelling place.

The second definition especially caught my attention. As a family we do all buy into and display the characteristics mentioned in the definition, even if the kids don’t really understand it, they are participating in this most basic form of social groups called the family.

It does irk me a bit that some people still insist on calling single parent families “Broken Homes”, or stigmatizing us into a less than desirable or equitable social category. But that is a topic for another time.

I came across an interesting article about several court cases that are seeking to define or redefine parental responsibility and therefore the definition of family. The article was originally published in the Pittsburgh-Post Gazette, and discussed several unusual cases regarding parental responsibility when the custodial parents are not the true biological parents or in one case when one man was a donor for an in vitro fertilization process. You can read the article titled “Medical Technology Blurs Laws on Parenthood” by clicking on the link. It is interesting that the lower courts made their ruling and in each case the higher appellate court overturned the lower court’s decision. The lower court’s decisions seemed to be steeped more in tradition and the higher court seemed to use logic when making their decisions.

I found the information quite interesting and will keep an eye on the topic to find out how or if this will change how families are perceived or even the general child support and custody laws throughout the nation.