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Dating and the Single Parent: When to Introduce the Kids

Making Sure It is Real

When you first start dating you will more than likely be overwhelmed. You are most likely alone due to either divorce or death and have not done this dating thing in years. It does take getting used to. Once you do find someone that you “click” with it will be great for you, but what about the kids? They will be very curious as to who is spending time with you and they have every right to be. When to introduce them finally becomes the big question. Before you even think about introducing your kids to the new person in your life make sure it is real. Make sure that this person will be around for a very long time. You do not want your kids to get close to someone only to have them disappear out of their lives. Wait until you are serious before introducing them to your kids.

Slow and Easy

Some children will be reluctant to accept a new person in their parent’s lives. They fear that you have been stolen away. Affirm your love to them often and if they are old enough discuss with them why you like, maybe even love, this new person in your life. Hopefully, when your children see how happy you are, they will be happy for you, but this does not always happen. For those children, the trust will have to be built and waiting it out is important. Although this may be frustrating, to push the issue would not be a good idea. They have to accept it in their own time.


The big day has arrived and they will meet for the first time. Do not make the meeting formal or tense. Do not treat it as an introduction, but rather a family outing for everyone. Do something fun together and do not focus on getting them closer. This step will come, again, in its own time. This part will come with trust, which usually takes some time, but when it does happen, you know that it will be sincere and well worth the wait.

Angel Lynn writes for weight loss and single parenting

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About Angel Lynn Diamond

I am a mom to my precious one and only, a nurse in a heartwarming adult living facility, and a freelance writer. I am "Angel" to the one who has helped me through life for the past 2-1/2 years and has made a joyful difference. I am a featured contributing writer for Rich Women Sisterhood, A Distinctive Style magazine and a writing and health advisor on Just Answer. As well, I write greeting cards, articles in health, relationships, diet, fitness, parenting, and travel. I reside in Upstate, NY and enjoy spending time with my loved ones, writing, the outdoors, and fitness. What I would like to say to others is.......Slow down and enjoy the moment, as you cannot get it back. Dream, believe, hope, but most of all have faith. Be careful with your words...they have the potential to hurt or bring forth joy. Remember, gentleness is a comfort to a wounded heart. Wishing you all many blessings. ~Angel Lynn~