Yesterday, the kids and I had a great time making some paper snowflakes for a small table top tree. The practice of making paper snowflakes for me is so old that I don’t even remember where or when I learned how to do this. Perhaps it was from my old set of children’s books, or perhaps it was at school. Either way, making paper snowflakes has been a fun and inexpensive bit of entertainment and decoration for most of my life.
Paper snowflakes can be hung from a tree, as we did yesterday, taped to a wall or to a window. I particularly like taping them to windows for a festive look in children’s rooms.
I have two general types of snowflakes that I am good at making. One is a very lacy snowflake with lots of negative space and delicate intricacy. The other is a snowflake that is full of whimsical hearts. This last one suited my daughter’s personality perfectly, and she was immediately drawn to it.
But one thing I have learned in this age of technology is that there is more than one way to make a paper snowflake. There are several ways in fact. Paper snowflakes come in all shapes and sizes, including ones in three dimensions. While I will still make my old standbys, I am very interested in trying out some new designs as well.
If you are too, or if you have never made a paper snowflake, you might want to check out You Tube for videos on different ways to make paper snowflakes. Here are some of my favorite ones.
Make A Cool 3D Paper Snowflake
How To Make Paper Snowflakes Demonstration
This Is How You Make A Proper Snowflake
Tips on how to make paper snowflakes
Mary Ann Romans writes about everything related to saving money in the Frugal Blog, creating a home in the Home Blog and caring for little ones in the Baby Blog. You can read more of her articles by clicking here.
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