My Journey
The year that I turned 40 was a great revelation to me. I discovered all kinds of new things, not only about my attitude, but also about my health. Like a bad dream, I woke up one day and realized that I was not what I used to be. Almost overnight the fine print was a blurry line. That was my first sign. More signs were to follow and with each new discovery, I became panicked. A few years down the road and with some other health issues popping up at each doctor visit, I knew that something had to be done. I sprang into action and started my dieting journey.
It is Not as Easy as it Once Was
Well, I realized that losing weight was not as easy as it had been in my 20s and 30s. To lose weight, I had to do double time. This meant fewer calories and more exercise time. I managed to lose a great deal of weight and still have more to go, but I find that it takes a great deal more effort to do so. Pamela Peeke’s book, “Fight Fat After Forty”, goes into detail as to why this takes place in a woman’s body. Our decrease in metabolism and changes in our emotional and physical health both play a part in this. She continues on to tell us just why we have fat where there once was none. Many of us in our 40s have the midline pudginess that just will not budge. All I can say is that I am working on it and it is going away slowly, but time, patience, determination, and perseverance are definitely a virtue at this point in my life. If you are curious like I am, you will definitely want to read this self-help book and gain a better understanding as to how you can best help your body deal with these challenges and obtain a healthier lifestyle.
Angel Lynn writes in weight loss and single parenting.