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Are You up for a Dare?


Are you up for a dare – a dare to enliven your marriage? 40 days could change your marriage, if you let it.

According to experts it takes anywhere from 20 to 40 days for something to become a habit. So, doing one positive thing for our spouse each day over 40 days to show we love them would become a habit we could incorporate into our marriage.

This morning I received a email suggesting this 40 day love challenge in the days leading up to Valentine’s Day. It meant starting on New Years Day. Now obviously it doesn’t have to have started at the beginning of the year. It could start any time – today?

One suggestion was: resolve not to say anything negative about your spouse.
Another I suggest might be leave a love note on your spouse’s pillow telling him or her one reason why you love them.

It might be make date with each other- a special time for the two of you to share a glass of wine or a cup of coffee together, out somewhere or just in the garden – anywhere away from kids, just spending time together.
It might be resolving to pray for your spouse each day as I do.

The thing though with any concept of showing love to your spouse is to make sure it is in keeping with what your spouse would like. For example suppose the idea was getting up early and giving them breakfast in bed. I could think of nothing worse. It’s downright uncomfortable in my opinion and messy. Plus, it’s hard enough keeping me in bed if I’m sick. I’ve got to be practically dead. Consequently Mick knows not to try that one. He wouldn’t like me to do it for him either. So make sure before you try any suggestions that you know it is one your spouse will appreciate. Sometimes you might want to adapt or change the suggestions a little to suit. But on the whole I think it sounds a good idea.

My calendar today says, ‘Only a life lived for others is the life worthwhile,’ Albert Einstein. Why not start living that sort of life – a life of giving love, right now with your spouse?

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