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Getting Fit: Anyone Can Do It!

It is Never Impossible

Does getting physically fit seem like an insurmountable task to you? Never say never. It can be done no matter how out of shape you are or how old you are. It takes hard work and a strong will to accomplish, but you have that don’t you? Of course, the more out of shape you are the harder and longer you will have to work on it, but it is possible at any age.

Meet Morjorie Newlin (1920-2008)

Amazing, absolutely amazing! That was my first reaction when I came across the story of this strong-willed great-grandmother and nurse. Morjorie Newlin did not begin her fitness journey until she was in her early 70s. She just decided one day that she must get in to shape after struggling to carry 50-pound bags of kitty litter into her home. Newlin made the decision to lift weights, which took her on her 13-year journey, traveling worldwide and earning over 40 trophies for her accomplishments. With perseverance, she trained day after day, not missing a beat. She was no sissy either and trained with the men. By the time that she was 74 years of age she could easily bench press 85 pounds! In one of her competitions she was required to wear a bikini and although she was hesitant, the crowd was amazed. Seen on many daytime talk shows, this lady is truly an inspiration to all of us. (Morjorie, unfortunately, passed away in early 2008. She will not be forgotten as she left all of us with the hope of being able to become physically fit at any age.)

My New Role Model

Not surprisingly after seeing her picture and hearing her story I was encouraged. I am back in to my fitness routine, that I was starting to slack on a little, in full force. Time had been a factor and I had put my exercising somewhat on the back burner for the past 6 months or so. I was not as diligent as I had been. I do not have any more time these days, in fact, I have less. I have decided though that the only way that I would accomplish my goals was to just make the time and that is what I have been doing. Thank you, Morjorie Newlin, for renewing my spirit!

http://www.citypaper.net/articles/2006-08-03/naked.shtml (Contrary to the URL listed this is not a nude picture, but rather it is a picture of Morjorie at a competition in her bikini.)

Angel Lynn writes in weight loss, single parenting, and health

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About Angel Lynn Diamond

I am a mom to my precious one and only, a nurse in a heartwarming adult living facility, and a freelance writer. I am "Angel" to the one who has helped me through life for the past 2-1/2 years and has made a joyful difference. I am a featured contributing writer for Rich Women Sisterhood, A Distinctive Style magazine and a writing and health advisor on Just Answer. As well, I write greeting cards, articles in health, relationships, diet, fitness, parenting, and travel. I reside in Upstate, NY and enjoy spending time with my loved ones, writing, the outdoors, and fitness. What I would like to say to others is.......Slow down and enjoy the moment, as you cannot get it back. Dream, believe, hope, but most of all have faith. Be careful with your words...they have the potential to hurt or bring forth joy. Remember, gentleness is a comfort to a wounded heart. Wishing you all many blessings. ~Angel Lynn~