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Clogged Ears

When I get sick, it usually goes to my sinuses and throat. And those are problems I know how to handle! I’ve had a lot of success holding off sinus infections by using an irrigation kit.

But for the last few days, my left ear has been clogged. Maybe it’s lingering water from the shower, maybe it’s something more serious. I’m starting to get that achy feeling down towards my jaw that reminds me of swimmer’s ear.

Time to turn to my trusty home remedy resources! The general consensus among my library of natural remedies is that water may indeed be the problem. Water that gets trapped in the ear canal can be a perfect breeding ground for bacteria.

Here are some treatment suggestions from The Doctor’s Book of Home Remedies.

  • Dry ears after bathing or swimming. Pull the flap of your ear up and out to straighten the ear canal, then blow warm air into the ear from a foot and a half away. Use the warm or cool setting, not the high heat! Apply heat for thirty seconds to help dry the ear canal.
  • Help clear out bacteria and fungi. Use a mixture of half white vinegar and half alcohol (or half white vinegar and half water if the ear is already irritated). Fill the ear canal using an eyedropper, then tilt your head to let it drain. The acid will inhibit bacteria and fungus growth.
  • Antiseptic ear drops can also help clear out bacteria and fungi. Many over the counter ear drops contain either isopropyl alcohol or some form of peroxide, to help sterilize and dry ear canals. A few drops of rubbing alcohol can help clear a clogged ear, too.
  • Treat the pain with aspirin or Tylenol (stick with non-aspirin pain relievers for children) — or apply heat near the ear for a medication-free pain soother.
  • Replenish oil. The ear canal is usually full of natural oils that help protect the skin. Applying a few drops of baby oil or mineral oil to your ears before swimming can help protect against future problems.

I’m also going to try taking a decongestant, just in case there is some kind of mucus involved. That might help clear things out enough for ear drops to work. And if all else fails? The doctor is only a phone call away. But right now, my clogged ear isn’t an emergency — just an irritation.