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A Wedding Gift toTreasure

Is there a wedding coming up in your family? What about a unique wedding gift? In the marriage blog I wrote about a unique recipe book. This is adapted from that idea. What about giving the happy couple a book of the family’s favorite verses and those of family members?

Each page could include a favorite bible verse or two as well as a few lines about why that verse is special to you. You might include an example of a situation or story of where that verse was a help to you in your life or a drawing, a picture or photograph that illustrated the verse or a devotional about the verse or a poem that ties in with that verse.

It’s really up to each individual to make their page of the memory verse book as decorative, special, useful and individual as possible. Those who are into scrapbooking would be in their element with such a project. I’m sure you’d find lots of ideas in the scrapbooking blog. But even those, like me who are not crafty could come up with a picture or photo or decorative border to enhance the page. Or you might choose to include a list of other helpful verses or books to consult.

Whereas the recipe book is divided into categories of dessert, main meals, etc you might divide the memory verse book into categories such as worry, praise of God, making decisions, family, prayer, needing peace etc.

The other idea would be to try and come up with 365 pages so that you would end up with one for every day of the year. Unless you have a very large Christian family, you might need to include church family or friends as well.

It’s probably good to allow each person to use whichever bible version appeals to the rather than make it unified. I know if I was asked for a favorite verse it would likely be Numbers 6:24-26. It would definitely be in the NASV or NRSV. Other verses I might include are Psalm 37:4 which encourages me to ‘Delight in the Lord.’ and Psalm 139: 1-5. Think of what a precious storehouse of memories and practical help this memory verse book could become.

Please visit these related blogs

A Unique and Memorable Wedding Gift

So Easily Misunderstood

The ABC of Bible Verses

Overcoming Worry

What is Faithbooking?

How Can Reading a Psalm Help You?