Do you have a dog (or cat) who loves to run and chase? My Lally likes to chase and be chased. If you want to play some running games with your pets, try one of these.
- Dog-chases-human. This one is quick and easy — just get your dog’s attention and run away from her. Stop when she’s within a few feet and reward her with praise and/or treats. Why stop? Because that will prevent chase from turning into “nip at the human’s ankles”. That’s always a good idea.
- Hide and chase. My brother’s dog Lily LOVES this game. The idea is similar to dog-chases-human, but when you stop, hide behind a wall or door. When the dog finds you, give treats and/or praise. Lily always looks SO happy when she finds me around a corner.
- Playing hard to get. Quick, unpredictable movements are often fascinating to pets — just watch a cat (or dog) with a laser pointer for proof. Change direction and speed every 5-10 steps and see how well your pet keeps up with you. Holding a few treats in one hand may improve your pet’s ability to stay close!
- Training games. Have you taught your dog sit and down? You can teach your dog to be ready (lying down), set (sitting), and then GO (run) — it’s very cute and gives you a new way to work on your old tricks.
- Keep away. Squeak or wave a toy while you run away — just be sure you do give the toy up after a little while. Games of keep away can quickly turn from fun to frustrating for your pet… so be sure to share your prize!
Even older pets who don’t have the stamina for a long run can have fun playing quick games of chase. You may be able to modify these games to suit your pet perfectly!
You may want to leave games where something or someone is chasing your dog or cat to other animals. Chasing your dog may cause problems when you want him to come to you later! So if your pet loves to be chased, another pet may be the best choice for chaser.