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More Tips About Protecting Your Husband’s Health

nullHere are some more tips to help maintain your husband’s health. Watch the cholesterol. Encourage a regular check and if it is high look at changes that will need to be made. Visit the sites below or a dietician if you’re not sure what dietary changes you will need to implement.

Another problem that has occurred these days is the number of people with allergies. Some times they can be linked to certain foods, even to migraines. Some triggers to migraines are, cheese, red wine, chocolate (sorry all you chocoholics) oranges. Other health problems can be caused by preservatives.

Preservative 220 is one that I know can cause problems. So, eliminate or at least cut back on prepared meals that are filled with preservatives. It really doesn’t take that much longer to put together a stir fry or some other simple meal. And a slow cooker is every cook’s friend. We have a timer for ours so instead of it needing to be on all day when I was working, the timer switched it on at the appropriate time.

These days there’s plenty of evidence that smoking is a serious health issue. What can you do, if despite all evidence about the effects of smoking, your husband smokes? Nagging doesn’t work. You will only end up adding more stress in the household if you keep insisting. I’m not advocating smoking by any means. I have a friend in the final stages of lung cancer and my husband’s stepfather died of lung cancer. Both were brought about through smoking.

On the other hand, some men become more stressed, irritable and also put on weight which causes other health issues when they try and give up smoking. You can talk the situation and inherent problems through with him but the reality is unless the person is motivated to give it up here is not much you can do, except pray God will change his mind. You can however ask him not to smoke in the house or car so children are not affected by passive smoking.

Men are notorious for not wanting to visit the doctor, as though there’s something unmanly about it. Of course, some women are not much better about that one. But a regular check up is a good idea. Maybe suggest you go together for a regular check up, rather than wait till there is a problem.

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