Welcome to the 27th week of pregnancy! By now, the whole world probably knows of your little miracle and you have started to dabble in maternity wear. Buying maternity clothes can be a daunting task, especially since you have little idea of how big you will become or how you will carry the extra weight. Since you get little use out of maternity clothes after the baby is born, buy as you grow and resist the urge to stock up the first time your pants don’t button. This will save you money, and get the best fit possible. If you are on a budget (like most parents-to-be) consider thrift or second hand shops for maternity clothes. They have likely only been worn a few times, and can really save you a lot of money.
What you may be experiencing
Pregnancy induced incontinence can be an embarrassing side effect of your little miracle. And most never really see it coming until it happens for the first time. Maybe you are sneezing, laughing, changing positions, etc and all of the sudden you may leak a little urine. While it may be uncomfortable, it isn’t uncommon and many moms experience it at least once during their pregnancy. While it is more common in the third trimester, it could happen at any time since the growing uterus is putting pressure on the bladder. If this isn’t your first baby, the problem may be more exaggerated than that of first time moms.
Luckily there is help! Kegals can help keep the bladder muscles in top shape, eliminating many leakage problems. Kegal exercises can be done anywhere, anytime, and no one has to know that you are doing them. So you can do them while you wait in line at the bank, wash dishes, or sit at your desk. The next time that you urinate, stop the flow mid stream. The muscles that you use to do this are those that need the workout. Practice squeezing that muscle group throughout the day, working up to 50 repetitions a day. If you continue kegals throughout the rest of your pregnancy, you can actually improve your labor experience and reduce your chance of incontinence after the baby is born.
Your Baby
Your little one is growing away in the safety of your womb. Now they are almost 15 inches long, and as active as ever. You may begin to notice regular, predictable patterns of sleep and activity. Most are active at night, but it is not uncommon to have a little one that likes to play first thing in the morning.
Concerns or Points of Interest
Choosing a baby doctor doesn’t have to be a daunting task. If your pregnancy isn’t high risk, you have a wealth of options ahead of you. Try talking to other moms in the area to find out the scoop on the best doctors in the area. They are likely to know if the doctor is nice, how difficult it is to get an appointment, and if they are around day and night to answer questions. Your insurance carrier may also be a good resource, as they can tell you who is in your area. If you love your prenatal doctor, ask if they have any recommendations on pediatricians. They likely have a few numbers of doctors that have similar practice philosophies.