Easter is coming up slowly, but surely. You start to think of all the things that you need to do in order to get ready. There will be decorations to put up, eggs to color, visits to the Easter bunny at the mall, the Easter dinner to prepare, and of course….the Easter baskets.
You will surely be kept busy, but as soon as you go about to prepare for this holiday those old memories start flooding back. At first, it is just a glimpse. Maybe you will have a flashback of how you prepared the baskets together or how you all sat down and colored eggs a shade of pastel blue. The next thing that you know you are reliving the entire holiday of days past. It is almost inevitable. You try to push it back out of your brain, but should you? In dealing with the past many say that it promotes healing inside you. Others start to become panicky at the mere thought and go ahead and ignore their impulses to daydream a bit. However you deal with it is a totally personal choice. For now, however, it is just you and the kids.
You will be busy so focus on making it a really great Easter for your family. Try to make it fun for the kids while upholding the true meaning of Easter. Give your kids a foundation by practicing family traditions that are unique to each holiday. A family tradition is a great legacy to pass on to your kids. It will be handed down from generation to generation and it will carry on. Make a big deal out of it because if you are a believer, it really and truly is something that should be celebrated in a big way. Give these things to your children. It is okay to remember times in the past if you choose to, but remember that it is just you and the kids now and they are looking to you to make it a family with or without both parents on Easter day.
Angel Lynn writes in weight loss, single parenting, and health.