I have discovered a really great benefit to losing weight in addition to the obvious joy that you feel when you lose the weight. I would not have believed it myself if I had not found numerous accounts regarding it or experienced this reality firsthand. With losing weight I have experienced a decrease in my shoe size. I am thrilled, to say the least. It has opened up a whole, new shopping experience for me in a whole other area besides new clothes.
Not one of those petite girls I have always wanted smaller feet. They are not like Cinderella’s mean stepsisters feet. However, they are not Cinderella feet either. Now that would be a miracle and just too much to ask for. All in all, they have decreased a size and for that I am quite happy.
When you lose a substantial amount of weight often times you will experience a decrease in your shoe size. This is just an added bonus for most of us. Some say it is due to fluid loss. Others say it is due to the additional toning that you get with the added fitness plan that you partake in when you are on your weight loss journey. I am sure that it is probably a combination of both of these two factors.
Whatever the reason for it most of us are quite happy about it. Going down in a shoe size usually means that your shoe selection designs have taken on a whole new look. Now that probably would not be an intriguing idea or hold too much excitement for a man, but everyone knows how much women like their shoes. What better way to celebrate your weight loss then with a pair of pretty, new shoes that a girl like Cinderella might wear.
Angel Lynn writes in weight loss, single parenting, and health.