I was reading today about how Courtney Love has been sued because of her online rants. Oh no, I thought to myself! Maybe I should be more careful when blogging because I know at times I can be harsh. But, then I read exactly what Courtney had been saying and I think I am doing okay.
Love is being sued by fashion designer Dawn Simorangkir, aka the Boudoir Queen. Simorangkir is seeking damages for libel, invasion of privacy, intentional interference with her business, infliction of emotional distress and breach of contract. Simorangkir also says that Love has never paid her for work she did for the singer last year.
In the suit filed in Los Angeles Superior Court on Thursday, Simorangkir, whose business is based in Austin, Texas, said that Love has been posting nasty remarks about her on Twitter, MySpace, and Etsy.com feedback section.
What sort of “menacing and disturbing” statements has Love made, according to Simorangkir? The suit claims that Love called Simorangkir a “nasty lying hosebag thief” and said she was a drug addict, unfit mother, and prostitute.
Hum, I located Love’s twitter page, but the ramblings there were such nonsense that I couldn’t make heads or tails of it. I checked out her official MySpace music page and didn’t see any rants there either.
Soccer star Diego Maradona has seen his share of problems in the past 20 years (including drug abuse, controversial political views, weight gain, and other health issues), but now he faces a new one – the taxman. Maradona is now the coach for his native Argentine national team, but in the ‘80s and ‘90s, he was playing for Napoli. Now, according to Italian officials, he owes 37 million euros in back taxes, of which more than half is made up of interest on his original debt.
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So far, Maradona has only paid back .10 percent of what he owes (42,000 euros) and his chances of ducking the debt it not likely. The taxman for Naples, Francesco D’Errico has said “We are keeping constant surveillance on him.”