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Week 38 of Pregnancy

Welcome to the 38th week of pregnancy! It is time for this baby to make its entrance into the world! While not much may be happening in the way of growth and development, you are likely going a bit stir crazy waiting for the big day. Have a nice dinner out, or visit with friends. You may not get the chance to do so for a while after the baby comes.

What you may be experiencing

You may lose your mucus plug around this time, which is perfectly normal. It could be a thick, slippery brown discharge or could actually look like a plug in shape. Some women never really notice losing their mucus plug, which is normal too. It is important to let your doctor know if you think you have lost yours, just so that they can be prepared for impending labor.

Your Baby

Your little one is prepared for the challenges that life has to offer. It now has enough fat stores to maintain its body temperature and glucose levels. Its waxy coating (vernix) is virtually gone, except in the skin creases and folds on the neck and back. The lanugo that once covered the majority of their body is now disappeared as well. So they have that newborn look.

Their reflexes are at an all time high now too. They have a firm grasping reflex and can hold onto a finger easily now. If a light is shown in your belly, the baby would turn towards it because of the “orientating reflex.” And most importantly, they have a high rooting reflex. Meaning they will come out ready to start feeding.

Concerns or Points of Interest

Now is the time to discuss labor positions with your doctor- not in the middle of a contraction. The typical position you see in the movies- mom on her back with feet elevated in stirrups, seems to be the norm, but you do have other options. Discuss the pros and cons of the following with your doctor.

Side lying- this takes pressure of blood vessels while you push
Semi-sitting- this lets gravity do some of the work
Squatting- opens up the pelvis wider and lets gravity help in the process.